Value Based Procurement to Improve Patient Care

Value Based Procurement to Improve Patient Care

07 Dec 2021

A presentation from the European Alliance for Value in Health, given during a Value-Based Procurement (VBP) roundtable.

The European Alliance for Value in Health aims to accelerate the transformation towards value-based, sustainable and people-centred health systems in Europe. This involves moving from an input-based/ static healthcare system, towards a more outcomes-based and dynamic system.

In our view, there are six principles to support this transition:

  1. Outcomes that matter to people and patients, as well as benefits valued by health systems and societies, are at the centre of decision-making
  2. Interventions and services addressing prevention, social care and healthcare are organised in an integrated way around people and patients
  3. Resources are allocated towards high value care and prevention, with outcomes and costs of care measured holistically
  4. Innovative ways of care delivery are fostered
  5. Continuous learning, education and healthcare improvement is based on evidence, and supported by data and insights
  6. Financing models and payments reward value and outcomes

Each of these principles includes aspects of procurement, such as in guiding purchasing strategies and considering costs throughout the care pathway. Procurement should also enable uptake of innovative solutions and models of care delivery.

Therefore, VBP is important to improve patient care and support resilient health systems.

Further information on VBP can be found here: Introduction | VBP Conference (